Today we had out Brian Pitell and his father for there second day of Florida fishing trip. Today we were in the Everglades, mainly looking for big trophy bass. Brian decided to fish with artificial lures and his choice of baits ranged from topwater to worms and everything in between. While his father decided to troll livebait and search for quality over quantity.
The morning started out fast, like most early morning bass fishing trip are suppose too. With both of them catching a few good bass, most of them ranged from 2-1/2 lbs to 4 lbs. Really good quality, then just like the day before Peacock bass fishing. Dad, hooks into a good size Florida trophy bass. This one was angry, man she put a fight. Under the trees, running deep to jumping. She was a good fight, weight in at 5.2lbs and release for another young angler to catch.
If you are ever in the area of Palm beach, Ft Lauderdale, Miami or Naples and would like to experience the Everglades, give me a call.
Tight Lines,
Capt Tony
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